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Katharina Litschig


Swiss cellist Katharina Litschig works with orchestras and ensembles of many different characters, as chamber music partner and as continuo-cellist all over Europe. She started her studies with Roel Dieltiens in Zürich and then went on to study in Leipzig with Peter Bruns. Inspired by early music courses with Kristin von der Goltz, she started to be interested in early music and historical performance practice at a young age. Later on she studied continuo-playing and the solo repertoire of the seventeenth and eighteenth century with Jan Freiheit. Katharina is now co-principal cellist of the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, one of the leading German ensembles for historical performance practice, and she is also part of numerous chamber music ensembles and is active as a soloist. These professional engagements are supplemented by her continuing interest in research into performance practice: she is member of Spira Mirabilis and of the Tamuz Ensemble. During the lockdown caused by Coronavirus, she recorded Bach Sixth suite and played a series of concerts in retirement homes in her hometown.

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Katharina Litschig

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© 2022 by Ensemble Tamuz. Photo credit : Denis Boulze

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